Wednesday, October 20, 2010

why One Touch

Arti dari One Touch adalah Satu Sentuhan, dan arti touch itu sendiri adalah dibawah ini ::::----->>>

Kamus dari Gogle

    1. sentuhan
    2. hubungan
    3. peraba
    4. suasana
    5. tekanan
    6. gaya
    7. cara
    8. coretan
    9. kaitan
    10. gores
    11. pengetahuan
    12. goresan
    13. ciri khas
    14. jumlah sedikit
    15. ketrampilan
    16. tipuan
    17. kecekatan
    18. kemahiran
    19. jumlah

    Telah diberikan dengan berbagai macam arti... Penulis ingin sampaikan berbagai macam informasi dalam blog ini jadi Touch adalah paling cocok untuk semua itu... 
    that's why One Touch Born.... :)

    Light up

    Thinking about Love
    Time flies, people grown
    Where do we find our happiness ?
    Regret is full in your past
    What will happend in our future ? 

    Many question come to our mind
    CHOP CHOP CHOP....Stop thinking please... :)

    Hear me...
    Since when we are not notice ourself ? 
    and we keep on flowing in desperate
    Now look at people around us, our mother, father, brother, sister and friends
    everyone is here for spend together every moment in this life
    whenever you smile or cry they are here for you
    but will you accept and forgive them
    and feel the love around,
    Desperating isn't a way, walk out this condition, 
    let's colored our life. 
    Make a decision to take a look around us
    Look at the mirror, do you see someone there ?
    Do you know her/him ? 
    You'll say "Absolutely it's me"
    then go and love... LOVE YOURSELF and PEOPLE AROUND US..
    Come on... Clean up yourself, arrange your to do list
    settle every little/big things in our life, 
    have no good dress ? so go for shopping and eat some good food then make a planning for your new life,
    make yourself confident!
    feel the different.
